Unifive Garada K7 Previews Exclusive

Unifive Garada K7 Previews Exclusive

After the initial release of Garada K7 in Japan and the sudden appearance of a photo of the actual toy with a green head, Unifive released this variant as an exclusive with Diamond Comics Distributors through their Previews catalog. I thought this was a fairly bold move after the first release received so much criticism from collectors, mostly for the size of the figure. Also, the JM market is a fairly small one - can this hobby sustain a color variant? Turns out the answer was "not really" - I'm not sure what the initial numbers were for the Previews version but these ended up being blown out by Previews - I purchased mine for $30. It's still the most common of the three versions.

Unifive Garada K7 Previews Versions Box Contents

Unifive Garada K7 Previews Versions Box Front

Unifive Garada K7 Previews Versions Box Sides

Unifive Garada K7 Previews Versions Box Back

Unifive Garada K7 Previews Versions Detail

Unifive Garada K7 Previews Versions Back

Unifive Garada K7 Previews Versions Box Copyright

Here are some comparisons of the two versions I own:

Unifive Garada K7 Previews (left) vs Standard (right)

Unifive Garada K7 Previews (left) vs Standard (right) Details

Unifive Garada K7 Previews (left) vs Standard (right) Paint

Unifive Garada K7 Previews (left) vs Standard (right) Sides
All Mattel images and captions are copyright Mattel, all Popy, Bandai, Banpresto images and captions are copyright Popy/Bandai and used without permission. All other content, including images and editorial, is Copyright © 1997-2017 John Eaton and/or contributors unless otherwise stated. If there are any comments or objections, please contact John Eaton, by clicking here.

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