Mattel No. 9860 Great Mazinga!
The third release of Mazinga further simplified the figure and appears to have been released in 1978. Mattel also re-labeled the toy as "Great Mazinga," probably to have a better tie-in to the die-cast toy line (or maybe Mattel thought that the longer name would make up for all that was taken away from the original toy). The head mold is even more rounded, and the removable plane is replaced by an non-removable "plug" (removal of this plug often results in a cracked head or cracked torso...common in loose figures). The chest "V" is replaced by a red decal and the knee shield decal is often missing. This version comes with 10 clip-vaned rockets and is probably the most common of the three versions.The box for the Great Mazinga:
The box art and text reflect changes made to the toy. The box front also has the following printers codes added: R6493> P643>9860"
Box Text:
No Batteries! No Electricity!
- Gauntlet Fists
- 2 Swords
- Arms Raise & Lower
- Leg Rollers
- Head Turns
- Fist Fires Rockets
- Triggers
- Rockets
CONTENTS: GREAT MAZINGA™ warrior 23 1/2" tall, with rocket-launcher fist, 10 rockets, two swords & accessories. Arms are detachable. Comes FULLY ASSEMBLED. Swords and rockets not for use with all SHOGUN© Warriors.
©Y. & K. Toel
Distributed by Mattel, Inc. Hawthorne, CA 90520. MADE IN JAPAN. Manufactured by Bandai Co. Ltd.
We have found a reconditioned Great Mazinga but it is missing the swords. Do you know of anyone selling these swords, either original or 3D printing of the swords. Thank you in advance,
Shogun Pladtics does a great job on repro parts, you may want to check there.
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