Getta Dragun is part of Go Nagai's second Getta series, Getta Robo G,
the successor to Getter Robo. In the original series Getter Robo would
reconfigure into three different robots by coming apart and recombining
in specific configurations to combat whatever the menace was at the
time. Each of the tree parts were piloted by a teenager - the series
ends with the death of one of the teens, but continues in Getta Robo G.
Getta Dragun is the land combat version that uses and axe to great effectiveness - the left fist has a throwing mechanism that allows for one of the included three axes to be spun through the air for some distance.
Popy Dragun Box Front
Popy Dragun Box Left Side
Popy Dragun Box Right Side
Popy Dragun Box Ends
Popy Dragun Box Contents
Most westerners are familiar with Dragun as he was included in Mattel's initial release of Shogun Warriors toys. The versions are nearly identical, at least in the beginning, with some running changes added - the Mattel Dragun also came with a "star shooter" accessory only provided as an add-on accessory in Japan. Dragun has also been knocked-off by two Spanish language companies, Nacoral in Spain and Famosa in Venezuela with some color differences (I've heard that Nacoral/Famosa actually licensed the figures but I'm not sure about that as their names weren't retained - for Dragun the primary differences are in the black cape and fists).
Popy Dragun Front
Popy Dragun Back
Popy Dragun Left Side
Popy Dragun Right Side
Popy Dragun Axe Thrower Detail
Popy Dragun Back Detail
Note that the Popy Dragun lacks any copyright information on the back, different from the US Shogun Warriors release. Also note the axes are slightly different from the Mattel later release, with spikes on the head (some early Mattel axes use the same mold but this was simplified for most - most Mattel also have darker blue axes and not these light blue).
I've been writing about stuff that interests me for many years, initially with some free web space provided by my ISP back in the 90's and continuing with various blogs and websites today, separated by interest. Many I haven't touched in a few years due to time constraints but the subjects are still on my mind.
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